Sunday, May 08, 2005


Jewtopia is a play, or perhaps a very long skit, about a couple of guys who both want to marry Jewish women. One of the guys is Jewish, the other Gentile. As the play opens, the Gentile is pretending to be Jewish in order to pickup women at a Jewish Singles dance.

I saw it tonight. It's playing in LA, NYC, FLA, and Chicago. It endlessly trades in stereotypical humor about Jewish people, but of the in-joke rather than anti-semite variety. If you are offended by this sort of thing, do not see this play!

I thought the first act was funny but not uproarious. It got uproarious in the second act, where Brandy McClendon got to play a teenage girl who wants nothing to do with her family. She had me in stitches.

She was the perfect disgruntled teen
Wanting OUT of her parents' scene.

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