Friday, May 13, 2005

Snack Attack

Strange foods in the news:

They finally tracked down the source of the fingertip in the bowl of Wendy's Chili. Remember the woman who claimed to find the finger? Well, the piece of finger really belonged to some guy her husband knew who sliced it off in a work accident.

What's funny is that earlier news stories said the finger was probably a woman's finger, based on its appearance. Now, I know for a fact, from watching CSI: Miami, that the CSI team would have known it was a guy's finger in a matter of hours!

In another startling development, a scientist has discovered a strange rodent that had never been classified scientifically. It is "different", as rodents go, and so it has been given its own "family" classification within the rodent order.

So how did the scientist discover this little beastie? In a Southeast Asian food market where it was being sold as a snack! (Hat tip to Paul Hsieh's GeekPress.)

This post is complete.
Now, watch what you eat.

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