Saturday, January 14, 2006

The Alleys of Elmwood Park

My wife, Marsha, grew up mostly in suburban Elmwood Park, Illinois, which happened to be home to certain Tony-Soprano-like individuals.

One such individual was a man we shall call Mr. B. Once it happened that the FBI was looking for Mr. B. The fact that they were looking for him was on the news. There were unmarked cars, with men in suits, in front of Mr. B's house, waiting for him in case he came home.

Meanwhile, young Marsha was looking out her living room window, which looked across a grassy alley toward Mr. B's backyard. Sure enough, Marsha spotted Mr. B. sneaking through another neighbor's backyard, through the alley, and then into his own yard. Marsha told her mother. Her mother asked her father if they should call the FBI. Her father said "No, are you crazy?"

Thus was young Marsha's crimefighting career stymied.

Some things are slow to change. Yesterday, Joey "The Clown" Lombardo, who had evaded arrest for 9 months, was finally captured in... an Elmwood Park alley!

Those FBI guys
Finally got wise.
To catch a mobster, you
Have to check the alleys too.

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