Monday, January 30, 2006

By Any Other Name

Ayn Rand: My Fiction-Writing Teacher, by Erika Holzer, arrived in the mail today. It looks chatty and interesting. Some of it's a summary of Rand's advice. Some of it's the story of how Holzer worked to apply Rand's insights. Also included is some short fiction by Holzer.

I've decided that for selling books, it helps to have "Ayn Rand" in the title. I suspect I'm not the only one to notice this. Some people have even renamed their books to work her name in. Nathaniel Branden first published Judgment Day. But after some revising it became My Years With Ayn Rand. David Kelley first published Truth And Toleration. But after some revising, it became The Contested Legacy Of Ayn Rand.

I've written a few poems that were about Rand in some way. One of them is called "Arrival." So I could just change the title to "Ayn Rand Arrives". Then I could call my next poetry collection:

Ayn Rand Arrives And Other Poems

That would be easy,
And enormously cheesy.

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