Saturday, February 18, 2006

King Lear

I've read King Lear a couple of times, but I'd never seen it played before.  Last night I went to a community theater production.  

Stacy Schneider, who I know from work, had the villainous role of Goneril.

As you probably know, poor Lear has 3 daughters.  Two of them, Goneril and Regan, are toadying but bad.  The remaining daughter, Cordelia, is stiff-necked but good.  Lear's tragedy begins when he gives up his kingdom to the bad daughters, letting each of them have half.

When I've read the play, I've often have trouble distinguishing the 2 bad sisters.  But Stacy Schneider did a great job of individualizing her role.  Her Goneril was sure of herself, thoughtful, serious, and smooth.  She contrasted nicely with Allyson Kennis's flippant and trashy Regan.

Lies Lear.

Falsely flattered,
Rudely battered,
In the end, 
Shattered to bits.

So use your wits -
Don't give away all your stuff!
Keep enough to live.

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