Saturday, June 17, 2006

Cherries on the Trees

My son is leaving for Dayton for his summer job early tomorrow morning.

So we did my father's day celebration at brunch today.

My son cut the backyard grass for me as his gift. It's a good gift. It's big, as city yards go, and it is hot here today.

I started the morning off with a local 5k. I went out way too fast. I did the first mile marker at 6:52. Uh oh.

It's really sort of sad,
But I can't maintain that speed.
And soon I felt the need
To slow down just a tad.

In about half an hour the Summer Solstice NIF party will start. I'll have to get the grill going.

The longest day is coming.
The pagan drums are drumming.
And the cherries on the trees
Are bobbling in the breeze.

We do have a sweet cherry tree in the front yard. We got a bumper crop this year. Actually, we had a good crop last year - but the birds got to it first! So this year Marsha got out there before the birds did. Mmmmm. We got buckets of them. Enough to eat yourself into a red pulp delirium.

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