Sunday, March 11, 2007

Competitive Rankings

This Sun Times story implies that my home state has a problem with political corruption:

Larry J. Sabato, a professor at the University of Virginia, is a kind of all-purpose political commentator. He told me, "The unholy trinity of politically corrupt states are New Jersey, Illinois and Louisiana."

I asked former Gov. Jim Thompson what he thought about Sabato's Top Three. "Illinois can't hold a candle to New Jersey and Louisiana," he said indignantly. "We're poor country cousins compared to those states."

However as this other Sun Times story reveals, we truly NUMBER ONE in another category of calamity:

In Chicago, mail delivery has gotten so bad that in-town, overnight delivery ranks the worst in the nation, according to Chicago postmaster Gloria E. Tyson.

You know what this means.

When you need to get a bribe
To a leader of the tribe
And you can't afford to fail,
Don't ever use the mail.


  1. Political corruption? In Chicago??? NEVER!!! ;)

  2. I believe that you, as a well-informed former resident, speak with authority on this matter!
