Monday, March 05, 2007

Not A Lot Like Love

Marsha and I were watching A Lot Like Love last night. As the story starts up, Amanda Peet follows Ashton Kutcher into an airline lavatory for a mile high hookup.

Eventually, they fall in love and live happily ever after.

Something similar happened recently with Ralph Fiennes and a Qantas flight attendant.

Sadly, there's little chance of a fairy tale ending. After their exploit became public knowledge, there were allegations floating that Mr. Fiennes had forced himself upon the flight attendant. Then the woman got fired.

This morning I learned from W.C. Varones that Fiennes is feeling victimized as well.

His PR person declares "This woman seduced him on a plane. She was the sexual aggressor."

Such are the risks of being a movie star.
Watch out for aggressors, no matter where you are.
They'll follow you into the loo
And do the nasty with you,
And spread your name in the papers near and far.

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