Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Very Gross Receipts Tax

The Governor of Illinois wants to start up a new "gross receipts" tax. To the tune of - literally - billions and billions of dollars. Not to worry, it's not a tax on people - just businesses!

I wish I felt reassured.

In this case, I can only agree with our Mayor:

“Business people are not fat cats…To describe every major CEO in Illinois as fat cats is a mistake…..They don’t have to be here. They can go to Wisconsin. They can go Indiana. They can go to India. They can go to China. So, if you want to beat up businesses, go beat `em up and when they leave, just wave to `em and they’re going to wave back to you,” Daley said.
I hope that Illinois avoids the fate
Of our two-doors-over state -
Poor Michigan, who taxed and spent
Till businesses got up and went.

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