Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Losing and Winning

You may remember I lost my watch at the Cutting Edge Half-Distance Triathlon on Sunday. It turns out I also lost my finisher's medal - probably when I went to wash off in the lake afterwards.

I wrote to Becca, one of the people running the race, asking if I could pay shipping and handling to get a replacement.

She wrote back:
Hey! I found your medal and your banana during the cleanup. I'll send the banana to you tomorrow!

LOL The medal will be on it's way in the morning! Forget the shipping just come back and see us again...and tell your friends!
Seriously, this was a professional but very friendly race.

They posted pics. Here's me enjoying the bicycle ride. Here's me stunned to be done.

When I finished, I looked like hell,
But they took my pic and rang a bell,
And I felt swell.

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