Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Tap Dancing

What is wrong with Larry Craig? First he pleads guilty to disorderly conduct for playing men's room footsie with a vice cop. Then he says he needs to talk with his lawyer.

Hello? Senator? You talk to your lawyer BEFORE you plead guilty.

And please, no matter what you do,
Should you spot a vice cop's shoe
While sitting in the airport john,
Wisely avoid all carrying on.


  1. Anonymous12:16 PM

    I don't know if this reflects on fundamentalists, Republicans, or Americans generally, but in Japan an outed fraud would have the dignity and good sense to throw himself on a sword.

    Not here, where we carry on with a deluded, "No I didn't!"

  2. I guess it's hard to grasp that your career is swirling down the toilet and there's no way to unflush it.
