Sunday, September 02, 2007

Online Confession

The Chicago Tribune had an article today about the decline of "confession" as an institutional practice. Fewer and fewer Catholics show up to confess their sins in person to a priest.

But now they can do it on the web, at

I tried it for nostalgia value, confessing to very minor greed, and was told to say 8 Hail Marys and 2 Our Fathers.

That may sound like a lot of praying to you, but due to early training, I can say those prayers faster than I can think.

My penance for minor greed
Can be uttered with major speed.


  1. Anonymous2:11 AM

    Haha! That's just sooo funny! It's wierd no how so many Catholics believe that a series of verbal (mindless) incantations can clean the moral slate.

  2. The article said confession attendance is dropping severely, so I guess lots of Catholics think there's something "funny" about the process too!
