Tuesday, October 09, 2007


Some days ago I noticed that I sometimes get an "Endless Swimming Pool" ad as a banner over Instapundit. Basically, you add a strong current to your swimming pool, and then you swim against the current, staying in place. Like they say, it's a treadmill for swimming.

I thought it was a funny thing to advertise on a politically oriented site. But I just realized it's probably targeted.

I had been checking the Chicago Marathon results a few clicks previous. That cookie would still be there.

The gizmo makes the water churn
And you no longer have to turn
Because you never really move.
Sisyphus, would you approve?


  1. Anonymous4:39 PM

    Why on earth do I keep getting those banner ads for adult DVDs?

    Oh, wait....

  2. Of course, in the case of porn, just targeting all males is probably semi-efficient!
