Monday, October 01, 2007

Welfare for Everyone

Hillary Clinton wants every U.S. baby to be given a $5000 savings account for future college and home expenses!
The New York senator did not offer an estimate of the total cost of such a program or how she would pay for it. About 4 million babies are born each year in the United States.
Okay. I can multiply. So I will estimate the cost. 4 million babies times 5000 dollars. 20 billion! But don't forget we will need a Bureau of Baby Bonds to manage this boondoggle. So double my estimate and bring it to 40 billion. Hmm. How can we pay for it? I know - a tax on babies!

Welcome to the world, kid.
We've put you on the dole!
Five thousand is the going bid
To buy your newborn soul.

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