Monday, March 31, 2008

Roark Aversion Syndrome

Ann Althouse responded to an "annoying" NY Times article "about these literary types who abhor love from people who don't know all the authors or don't like the right books".

From the original article:
[S]ometimes, it’s the Howard Roark problem... “I did have to break up with one guy because he was very keen on Ayn Rand,” said Laura Miller, a book critic for Salon. “He was sweet and incredibly decent despite all the grandiosely heartless ‘philosophy’ he espoused, but it wasn’t even the ideology that did it. I just thought Rand was a hilariously bad writer, and past a certain point I couldn’t hide my amusement.”...
Althouse seems to think this sort of aversion is misguided: "But really, my question is, what did those guys who loved John Kerry, Ayn Rand, and Robert Pirsig look like?"

Professor Althouse, don't you understand? Good looks aren't enough! Good taste, or at least the appearance of it, is also key!

You must dislike inferior books.
Don't think that mere superior looks
(you handsome beast) will be enough.
You must prefer the proper stuff.

But if to junk you do succumb,
I might forgive you - just keep mum.
Don't let my friends find out - you see -
for that would be the end of me.

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