Sunday, April 20, 2008

Indiana - Home To Oldest Human "On Planet"

The front page of Yahoo featured this sub-head today:
Edna Parker, the oldest human on the planet, celebrates her birthday in Indiana.
I wondered if there were older people off-planet. Maybe low-gravity moon colonies were extending longevity? But when I clicked on the story itself there was no mention of the "planet" angle.

Either "on the planet" is a trendy hype-phrase beloved by teaser headline writers... or else the government is trying to suppress news of their lunar colony project.

On the moon they all live to 120,
which seems like plenty.

Somehow the marigolds-on-the-moon project leaked out this week. So at least they're keeping it pretty up there.

Lacking the bucks for a trip to the moon,
I'm moving to Indiana real soon.

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