Thursday, April 24, 2008

Not So Slight Philosophy

I'm very pleased to see that Liberty ran a rave review of Quee Nelson's book, The Slightest Philosophy.

The piece, by Warren Gibson, is titled "Expanding on Rand," and it's in the May 2008 issue.

I loved this paragraph of Gibson's review:
Now, self-publishing is the road taken by incompetents and idlers. But a little page-flipping through "The Slightest Philosophy" suggests a well-organized work with lots of citations. Then you settle down to read, and wonder of wonders: it's easy and pleasant. You have in your hands - well, let me just say it - a masterpiece.
There is something very catchy about the book. I've even been thinking of reading it again. I'm not sure I completely absorbed its lessons on my first breakneck tear through its pages.

What puzzles me in the book
is how clear she made things look.

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