Thursday, June 05, 2008


Tony Rezko was convicted today, in federal court, on 16 of 24 counts. He may end up sentenced to more time than he has left to live. And he still faces another big federal trial. If he continues to keep his mouth shut, he's tougher than I thought.

I work near the federal court building, so I walked over after work. The media was huddled together in a press area on the ground floor. I stood a few feet away, separated by the plate glass window, watching them. They were milling about, anxiously waiting for major players to appear. I watched as Rezko's lawyer showed up and gave an interview.

Rezko didn't show up. He decided to start doing his time. I saw a white prisoner van pulling out of the garage, sirens blaring. One of the reporters pointed at it and said "there he goes!" Perhaps.

The prosecuting attorneys hadn't shown up yet, and unlike the reporters it wasn't my job to wait for them, so I took off.

I had a train to catch,
and a yoga class to stretch.

Rezko had a room with a lock
in a state of shock.

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