Thursday, June 19, 2008

We Don't Need No Stinkin' Public Financing

He whose-middle-name-shall-not-be-said has broken a pledge:
The Democrat once made a conditional agreement to accept taxpayer money from the public financing system, and accompanying spending limits, if his Republican opponent did, too.
But he's saying "Never mind!"

I'm glad. I don't want him taking taxpayer money for his campaign. Let him raise his own darn money. Which he is, by the boatload. Apparently it's being piped in through the internet.

I believe McCain is trying to figure out how to duplicate that feat. But he still thinks PayPal is just a nickname to use for your big contributors.

Please don't dredge up that pledge.
It was good when he first said it.

But now his stash of cash
is bigger... so forget it!

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