Friday, January 30, 2009

Parenting: Inheritance of Traits

Frequently offspring exhibit annoying traits
you know are your own or your mate's.

If you think they're neither, just wait.
Soon enough you'll get the news
that this behavior's "just like you."
And, generally, it's true.

The person who tells you may be biased,
but their familiarity with the facts is of the highest,
since this informer in the house
is typically your spouse.

So whatever you regret
about yourself... your children get.

Get used to it. 

Thus we are endowed,
timid or reckless, quiet or loud.

You learned over the years 
to cope,
so put away your fears - 
embrace the hope.

No one's more qualfied to help
with your own traits than you, yourself.

And your mate,
who has learned to love
or at least to tolerate
your quirks
may also be a workable candidate.

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