Monday, February 02, 2009

Doll Controversy

Lawmakers and lawyers are upset that images of the Obama family are being sold commercially.

So get your Malia and Sasha dolls now, before the company gets harassed into not making them anymore! Mrs. Obama does not like these dolls.

But attempts at suppression will probably fail legally, and the controversy will probably gather attention for the product. As one commentary declares:
The bigger the brew ha-ha the more the dolls will be worth in the long run.
I agree with the opinion but I like the new spelling of "brew ha-ha". This spelling has a pleasant suggestion of laughing about something over a few beers. 

Where does "brouhaha" come from anyway? Once scholar suggested:
that the word was based on the Hebrew greeting barukh habba, an equivalent of 'welcome' meaning “blessed be the one who comes”.
And here's a funny coincidence: the Hebrew "barukh" is the same word as "Barack" - they're from the same semitic root, meaning "blessed." Which Obama explains on a youtube video here.

May all of you be blessed
and unsuppressed.

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