Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Swisters For Life

Two girls, switched at birth while being bathed by nurses, meet 56 years later:
Pioneer Memorial Hospital offered to pay for counseling, but both women declined.

The two have become friends and celebrated their May 3 birthday together. Recently, Qualls introduced Shafer to her work colleagues, calling her "my swister."

"I'm trying to move forward at look at the positive," Shafer said. "You can't look back. It just drives you crazy."
By the way, Deb Ross informs me that today is National Limerick Day. Well, who am I to argue with that?

If you're in the delivery room
with a child freshly sprung from your womb,
just ask for a pen
and sign it right then
so you don't have to "simply assume."

1 comment:

  1. Hi John,

    Deb forwarded me the swisters limerick. (Very cute.) It called to mind a This American Life podcast on the same topic. The folks at This American Life list this as their favorite episode, and I understand why:


    The topic is pretty compelling in any case, but it's the bizarre attitudes of the one set of parents that makes the story told on TAL riveting.

