Saturday, June 06, 2009

Agent 202 - Entrapped

It's perilous being a secret spy.

All of a sudden, some strange guy
shows up with a free cigar
and says he knows who you really are...
An undercover agent approached Kendall Myers, claiming to be an associate of his Cuban handler, according to a law enforcement official speaking on a condition of anonymity about the ongoing investigation. The agent offered Kendall Myers a cigar and birthday wishes since he turned 72 that day and proposed they meet at a Washington hotel later that night.
Aren't spies supposed to have secret recognition phrases?

You know, one person says: "The moon looks almost green tonight."

The other person responds: "Limberger has always been my favorite cheese."

But... this guy reportedly falls for a free cigar and happy birthday wishes!

It sounds like this guy, and his wife, had retired... and were no longer active in espionage. Maybe they sort of missed it - missed the drama, the sense of righteous action, etc. Maybe the Cuba government had neglected to keep them in the loop - neglected to make them feel special now that they were no longer active.

If their recent Cuban contacts had been meager,
maybe that left them feeling over-eager.

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