Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Back in the Summer of '69

Chappaquidick had it's 40th anniversary this July. It happened back in that same summer of '69 - the summer of Woodstock, the summer of the first moonwalk.

That night, Ted Kennedy and the young lady were in his car. He drove it off a bridge, into a pond.

He got of the car. She didn't.

He went back to his hotel. He spoke to some people - but not about the accident.

A couple of fishermen found the car in the water next morning. Only then did Kennedy go to the police.

It's possible she was alive in the car for a while. They found her in an air pocket in the upside down car.

People keep calling Ted Kennedy a "lion" today. In many ways, no doubt, he was. But not that night.

That night was heard no lion's roar.
Weasely silence. Nothing more.

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