Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Among Schoolchildren

I'm reading reports, which seem to have started with Drudge, that our president is going to make a speech to "all public school children" on September 8. Some people are taking their kids out of school for that day.

But is the story even true? I'm not seeing any mention of it on the news - except on right-leaning blogs.

Drudge links to this document, but it's not a very good proof of anything on its own.

Sometimes rumors
grow like tumors.

UPDATE: It's real.

UPDATE 2: I was amused by Venomous Kate's reasons for planning to send her child to school that day anyway. Her last reason is this:
Besides which, I know from experience that my boy is going to tune out any speech lasting longer than 30 seconds in favor of poking the little kid sitting next to him.
Even when you let your rhetoric soar,
children find long speeches are a bore.

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