Friday, February 05, 2010

Ancient Timex Time

"The first computer under 100 dollars." Yes, I had one, a Timex-Sinclair 1000.

It was pretty horrid. But I did learn Basic on the darn thing.

It didn't come with any sort of disk, floppy or hard. Allegedly you could hook up a regular cassette player to use for offline storage. That worked sometimes.

There was also a VisiCalc-like program available for this 2k machine. What was VisiCalc?
VisiCalc was the first spreadsheet program available for personal computers. It is often considered the application that turned the microcomputer from a hobby for computer enthusiasts into a serious business tool. VisiCalc sold over 700,000 copies in six years.
Before Lotus, and long before Excel,
VisiCalc served accountants well.

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