I think the writers of the myth had noticed that humans had more trouble with childbirth than domestic animals.
I think, in fact, this is due partly to our big skulls required to house our big brains.
So, when anesthesia was invented, some people thought it was a circumvention of divine will. But then along came Queen Victoria...
[Her] fourth child was to be born on the morning of April 7, 1853 in much the same circumstances except one – the use of chloroform that produced an uncomplicated and completely painless childbirth that electrified the entire nation of Great Britain and helped push a still little known medical procedure into public consciousness – the use of anesthesia.Anesthesia during childbirth remains a controversial topic among feminists:
...there are feminists who reject natural birth and support a woman's right to choose medicated childbirth, and there are feminists who believe that a rejection of medicalized childbirth is a key component in advancing feminist values.I have no particular views,
except that I'm pro- the right to choose.
tubal reversal is process that unites the tubes to ovary if you have ties burned tubes already