Saturday, February 20, 2010

Homicidal Suicide

The Texas kamikaze's suicide note is all over the political map, raging against George Bush, the Catholic Church, Big Business, the IRS, and so on. He hated almost everybody!

So it's hard to pin him down on the left-right continuum. But that won't stop people from trying! As the NY Daily News puts it:
The right called him a socialist, and the left branded him a right-wing tea partyer.
Few want to claim him for their own. Which is a good thing. You would have to worry about the fate of a country where a high percentage of people celebrated such behavior.

I notice that he badly frightened his wife the night before he totally flipped. She took her kid and spent the night in a hotel. When she came home she found he had set their house on fire.

I think she did a very smart thing in going to a hotel. I suspect he would have killed her and the kid on his way out that morning. Why? I don't know exactly, but that's what mad-at-the-world killers often do. They kill their immediate families along with themselves. I think it's some kind of deadly narcissistic gesture, where you spitefully try to destroy all "your stuff," including your family.

His political outlook may be hopelessly hazy,
but he sure went out in a blaze of crazy.

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