Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Doctored Story

We have a bizarre story developing here:
A University of Iowa medical professor was ordered held in lieu of $25,000 bail today for allegedly lying to Chicago police officers, telling them he was stabbed while jogging on the Riverwalk when he actually knifed himself and fabricated the incident, authorities said.
He reportedly went to the hospital in critical condition after stabbing himself. You would think a medical professor would know how to stab himself so that he wasn't injured too badly.

Just to add to the bizarreness, the professor was already on leave from the U of Iowa pending some kind of investigation at the school.

The deceptive "rob & stab" story was notable partly because it happened in an unlikely area - a nice, shiny, touristy area.

If you want to meet a robber,
and then get stabbed or clobbered,
I'll gladly give you directions
to some of our rougher sections.

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