Monday, June 28, 2010

Ordinance Shot Down

Our ban against the one-hand gun
has been undone.

The mayor is unhappy, and plans to revise our ordinance, with new regulations to protect us.

We'll see what the City Council passes, I guess. Then we'll see what the Federal Courts say about whether the regulations overburden a constitutional right.

Otis McDonald is happy. He's the plaintiff whose name is on the case.
“I was feeling the poor blacks who years ago had their guns taken away from them and were killed as someone wished. That was a long time ago, but I feel their spirit. That's what I was feeling in the courtroom. It was rough on me that way,” McDonald said.

I remember when this law was first passed, in 1982. Jane Byrne was mayor then. I attended a couple of City Council meetings, and wrote letters to my alderman, etc., against it. But it passed. And in Media World, all was joy and happiness.

But, 28 years later, it looks like a failed experiment.

You open people to harm
when you deny them arms.

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