Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Jackson Didn't Take Action?

Latest Blago fallout:
The judge calls for a recess just as Rajinder Bedi is about to finish the story about his Oct. 28, 2008 meeting with Jesse Jackson Jr.

Without the jury present, Prosecutor Christopher Niewoehner explains that Jackson, fund-raiser Raghu Nayak and Rajinder Bedi met at the 312 Restaurant in Chicago.

And that's when Nayak discusses raising $1 million for Blagojevich for Jackson's appointment.

Just to be clear, Jesse Jackson Jr. is a congressman and is the son of the really famous Jesse Jackson.

Was Jackson entertaining the idea of a trade - his friend would raise 1 million for Blago, if Blago would give the senate seat to Jackson?

I gather that's what the prosecutor wanted to get before the jury. But, to be fair, entertaining an illegal plan is not the same as taking a concrete step to put such a plan into action.

It's the concrete step that bursts your bubble
and lands you in legal trouble.

Merely considering crime must fail
as a basis for jail.

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