My little 10-page festival play got written at the theater tonight. I called it "Cleaning House". It opens as 2 cleaning ladies arrive at a young woman's house. Sounds slow, but the changes come fast.
I tried to give each of the actresses a little bit of what each said her "dream role" was.
I'm elated for the moment.
I'll see, tomorrow, what the director and actresses can do with it. And how the audience likes it. I will report. Unless it flops so bad that I'm stunned into silence.
Will it fly
or will it die?
I tried to give each of the actresses a little bit of what each said her "dream role" was.
I'm elated for the moment.
I'll see, tomorrow, what the director and actresses can do with it. And how the audience likes it. I will report. Unless it flops so bad that I'm stunned into silence.
Will it fly
or will it die?
Break a finger!