Thursday, September 09, 2010

Defending Western Civilization

My wife and Gen LaGreca have an article up at the Daily Caller:
As September 11th approaches, Americans remember the morning in 2001 when the World Trade Center turned to rubble. It is a fitting time to consider the nature of the civilizations that collided that day—and how to defend ours.
It is said that Ground Zero is “sacred ground.” In truth, all of America is sacred ground—because the individual is sacred here.
A civilization that will not rise to defend itself
gets discussed in dusty history books on the shelf.


  1. Tough for the people to defend, when the leaders do the indefensible.

  2. Our political leaders are a recurring problem.

  3. Okay, that was grumpy and bland on my first effort. Nonetheless, it strikes me that the freedom we're trying to defend is exactly what makes us vulnerable.

    Bush II seemed to attack this paradox with the Klondike Bar approach...yummy freedom on the outside, creamy fascist torture regime on the inside.

    Hmm...early focus groups of Europeans didn't like the flavor.

  4. Of course fanatics do try to use our freedom against us. It's a problem. I'm not sure of the best solution.

    Oddly, our current leader seems to mostly be continuing the Bush II policies.
