Thursday, March 24, 2011

Weren't They Also Ninja Turtles?

Saw Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel. A 9 year old girl was in our party and asked what "Sistine" might mean. I told her the chapel was built for the pope's little sis who was a teen. But the 9 year old didn't believe me. The correct answer is that a pope named Sextus had it built, and somehow Sistine is the adjectival form of Sextus. Who knew?

I also got a good look at Raphael's School at Athens mural, another favorite of mine. I had never seen these works in person before, so it was nice to get a better idea of the architectural context.

Why are people such snobs
About ceiling and wall paint jobs?

Somehow the figures seem to shine
As if they really were divine.

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