Saturday, April 30, 2011

A Poem for Elmer McGuirt

Ann Althouse wrote on her blog:
Seems like a poem should be written about Elmer McGuirt.
She linked to a news story about a homeless guy with this distinctive name who robbed a bank in Tampa, got on a bus, and started giving away most of the money to other bus passengers. He was caught.

So far, a lot of the entries are in limerick form. I followed suit:

Elmer was hopelessly homeless,
Penniless, shirtless, and combless.
He stole cash one day
Then gave it away.
Now he's in jail so he'll roam less.


He was sort of a private Fed,
With a stimulus to spread.
He deserves a big thank-ye
Just like Bernanke,
But he's off to jail instead.

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