Saturday, August 13, 2011

A Polite "No, Thank You" Would Have Sufficed

What the...
A woman is in the hospital after her son on Thursday allegedly stabbed her repeatedly with a butcher knife when she offered to make him a sandwich.
No word on motivation. One suspects a history of craziness is forthcoming.

Be wary of offering food
to a scary crazy dude.

UPDATE: Okay, reading between the lines here in this other version of the story:
Authorities said Georg's mother brought him home Thursday from Edward Hospital's Linden Oaks behavioral health facility in Naperville, where he had been a patient since July 31. At Georg's bond court appearance, Assistant State's Attorney Deb Brewer did not disclose the nature of Georg's hospitalization, and the hospital would not comment.
So maybe he was in the hospital for a severe life-threatening allergy to peanuts. And maybe his mom offered him a PBJ. So maybe he can claim it was self-defense.

He can say she was trying to take his life
and he had no choice but to go for the knife.

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