Saturday, August 27, 2011

Super Sprint Tri

I did the Fleet Feet Super Sprint Triathlon this morning at Foster Avenue Beach in Chicago. It was a very pleasant experience. Well organized. Lots of people who had never done a tri before. It's actually kind of set up for getting your toes wet in the sport. It's associated with the massively attended Chicago Triathlon, but it's the day before, and it takes place on a much smaller scale. Also, you can sign up for less than half of the price of tomorrow's event. And I parked for free - something that would not happen in the downtown venue.

Now and then someone asks me how many triathlons I've done, and I say I've lost count. But I do keep a list and today I reviewed that list. 52 triathlons. I started in 1992, so I haven't hit my 20th anniversary yet. I remember what a challenge it seemed like when I started, just to finish one. My youngest sister and one of my younger brothers had both done a triathlon at that time, so I figured if they could do it, I could do it. Somehow I was the one who really caught the bug and stayed involved in it.

And... why? I needed more exercise, and I found that races were very motivating. If I had a race coming up, I would consistently do more exercise than if I didn't.

But why triathlons in particular? I like the childishness of the sport. Swim, bike, run. It's like a child's summer day. And for some reason I like the mental overload of the sport - the way it feels like you have too much to think about.

You swim, you bike, you run,
and finally you're done!

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