Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Occupy Snowdrift

There's an occupy thingie in Boston. And they may get their first snowfall this weekend. A similar situation obtains in Denver. What will the occupiers do?

Where owners or authorities will let them, the occupiers like to put up tents. Also, sometimes they sleep elsewhere and return in the morning. I mean, who is to know whether the tents are occupied?

Well,in London someone ran an infrared camera on the tents.
Just one in 10 of the tents at the Occupy London Stock Exchange camp which has closed St Paul’s Cathedral are occupied at night, it can be revealed.
I'm not sure what'll happen here in the Windy City. They are occupying some small stretches of the sidewalk on Lasalle St., across from the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago. But it's just a sliver of space really, and I haven't seen tents there yet. They are campaigning to acquire camping rights in Grant Park - in about the same spot as the famous 1968 Democratic Convention protest / police-head-bashing-fest. So far our mayor has been letting them set up tents in Grant Park during the day, but arrests those who won't leave the park after it "closes" at 11 pm. So far the arrests have been fairly friendly, according to the press.

If you're seriously going to occupy the worst sort of northern city weather, you're going to want a heat source other than your own bodies. You're going to want fire or electric.

Otherwise you will get froze
from your head to your toes.

UPDATE days later:
In New York City, which could see its first snow on Saturday, the fire department confiscated six generators and about a dozen cans of fuel at the Occupy site in Zuccotti Park. The generators had been powering heat, computers and a kitchen that activists set up six weeks ago.

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