Sunday, October 30, 2011

Reporters Without Borders

Chicago Tribune reporters are somehow more efficient than law enforcement - when it comes to finding fugitives who have fled south of the border.
The reporters determined the precise whereabouts of eight of the nine fugitives. Two agreed to on-camera interviews, while the other six declined to comment through their wives or other close relatives.
I wish I could say I was shocked, but I'm not. It's clear that it's still quite possible for many people to flee to Mexico in order to escape U.S. law enforcement.

My hat is off to the reporters involved, who did some hard work.
Over 18 days, reporters logged more than 3,000 miles in the area seeking nine fugitives. The region is dominated by a low-intensity drug war; reports of assassinations and kidnappings appear daily in local newspapers.
In case I ever need to flee,
I should brush up on my Spanish - ¡Sí!

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