Monday, January 16, 2012


I had an interesting but perplexing conversation with a man who is a fan of Gurdjieff. Unfortunately, the theory behind it couldn't quite gel in my mind.

Maybe that's not my fault. I came across this in Wikipedia:
Gurdjieff deliberately tried to increase the effort needed to read and understand the book. As a result the book is perhaps not the best introduction to Gurdjieff's ideas since part of the book's intention is to frustrate and usurp the normal patterns of thought.
I suspect this is not a unique approach. It reminds me of the "break you down to build you up" method of military training.

If understanding is truly sought
then clarity and logic ought
to be the natural aim of thought.


  1. I might know this person. And on a strange twist of fates... Gurkjieff's birthday is 1/11 while Ayn Rand's birthday is 2/1. My mother's birthday is 1/11 my father's birthday is 2/1.

  2. That is truly freaky. I had a great time talking to this person, I just had trouble getting the theory straight!

  3. A few quick reflexes:

    If he didn't 'bury the dog' deeper people would end up 'knowing' his system, leaving little left for one's OWN Understanding!! This is not to tittilate the mind. Parrots can also repeat things.
    About breaking down to build up:
    How can you fill a glass with wine, if it's already full of mud?
    How can God come in if I am claiming all the space for myself?

    Gurdjieffs birthday is celebrated the 16th of Jan, by the way.
