Saturday, April 06, 2013

After Running

Running, at the right pace, can actually be pleasant, with practice, at least for some, at least for me. But I suppose that getting to that point is rarely all fun and games.

There's an old thought-experiment about exercise. Suppose someone tells you that every hour of exercise-X will add an hour to your life. But you hate exercise-X. Is it worth it?

From one perspective, probably not. More of your life will be spent in misery, and the number of enjoyable hours in your life will not increase.

However, if you want to survive to see some particular event in the future, the hateful exercise might be worth it. Say that you want to survive to see the birth of a grandchild, or the first human colony established on the moon, or... whatever.

There's an old joke about exercise: if it were a pill, everyone would take it.

now my legs are sore,
so I won't be running any more

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