Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Kissing That Big Red Maple Leaf Goodbye

U.S. Senator Ted Cruz, reputed to be thinking of making a run for prez, was born in Canada. But his mother was a U.S. citizen, so he's a citizen by virtue of that. Does that qualify for the "natural born citizen" clause of the Constitution? I'm guessing it's close enough.

But apparently under Canadian rules he has dual citizenship. Which might look bad when you're running for commander in chief.

So now he's looking to surrender his Canadian citizenship, which he says he didn't know he had. Wait. Really? No idea? Never occurred to him that being born in Canada might give him some options?

Anyway, the Canadians have a process, of course, and they may make him wait.

At least it's not a big crowd ahead of him looking to be approved for departure: "Government figures show only 192 people gave up Canadian citizenship last year."

For now he's stuck
as a legal Canuck.

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