Friday, August 02, 2013

Personal Info

Hersey Mallory, a man from Chicago, recently bought some old file cabinets from Sears, in a liquidation sale.

Oddly enough, they hadn't been emptied before they were sold. They still had personnel files for Sears employees.
The files ranged from photos to records with marital status information, as well as birth certificates, termination papers and forms detailing accusations of theft.
He wanted to return this stuff to Sears, but says he got the old run-around. He even ended up talking to a Sears rep in India.

Sears Corporate finally took notice, and responsibility, after a TV News team picked up the story.
Mallory said he was offered a $100 gift certificate as a thank you for his integrity. He said he doesn't want anything at all and said the entire matter was just one of character and doing the right thing.
Go ahead, corporations, misplace my files.
As long as this guy finds them, I'll be all smiles.

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