John McAfee, founder of McAfee AntiVirus, has had his wild moments, but I'm worried that this might be one of his lucid insights about the website:
"Seriously bad, somebody made a grave error, not in designing the program, but in implementing the web aspect. It for example anybody can put up a... web page and claim to be a broker for this system, there is no central place where I can go, and say, here are all of the legitimate brokers, or examiners for all of the states, and pick and choose one. Instead, any hacker can put a web site up, make it look extremely competitive, and because of the nature of the system, and this is health care after all, they can ask you the most intimate questions, you are freely going to answer them, what’s my social security number? My birth date."
Well, I guess we'll know soon enough
if he's right about this stuff.
ADDED: I found a Slate article, written before the website launch, which specifically denies that the site is "a hacker's dream." Here are the last 2 sentences:
"It’s quite possible that something, somewhere will go wrong on Tuesday, or in the first few weeks that the system is up and running. But a massive, nationwide data breach appears to be, thankfully, unlikely."
Something sure went wrong on Tuesday. I'm not sure you'd actually call the system "up and running" yet. I suppose that if there are to be any massive data breaches, the system will first have to collect some massive data, which it may not have done yet.
Obama : ACA :: Bush : Iraq