Sunday, December 01, 2013
A Christmas Carol: (abridged)
I'm not sure if they really needed to append "abridged" to this festive seasonal production. I can guess why they did it. They wanted to alert ticket-buyers that this is not a special-effects thirty-actor extravaganza.
It's something quiet and intimate, less than 90 minutes long, with just 3 actors. One actor plays Scrooge, the other 2 do narration and play a load of other characters.
Every word you hear, every line of dialogue, every bit of narration, is straight from the story penned by Dickens. So this production puts you in touch with the actual language of the text, in a way that the usual versions do not.
We attended with a friend who has a lot of acting experience - whose first acting experience was playing Tiny Tim when she was 5. She has watched many productions over the years, and she just loved this one.
It's the tale of a miser
with ghostly advisers
who ends up gladder and wiser.
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