Saturday, April 19, 2014

Misleading But True

I was talking to a friend, a very well traveled man, so well traveled that he visited North Korea as a tourist about nine years ago.

I said to him, "A lot of Americans have been to North Korea."

He started to disagree, explaining that the North Korean government only lets a handful of Americans visit per year.

I explained that the Americans I was referring to had been to North Korea as part of a MacArthur's invading forces in the 1950s.

That made him laugh.

Just now I was looking around the internet and it's surprisingly hard to see details of the fact that the "U.N. forces" were stomping around North Korea until the Chinese counterattack came pouring over the Yalu River. But here's a nice photo of MacArthur in Pyongyang:

Join the army, see foreign lands,
especially when things get out of hand.

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