Friday, March 04, 2016

Bye Bye, Liver

After many years of seeing it advertised, I finally went to see "Bye Bye, Liver" tonight. I'm not the target audience - that would be young people who frequent the bar scene. It's advertised as a "drinking play" but it's really an evening of sketch comedy interspersed with audience participation in various forms of humorous contest.

I found parts of it very funny. I was bent over laughing a few times.

I went because I wanted to see Megan Renner Rieck perform. She was the understudy at my last play reading, so I didn't get to see her perform at the reading, so this was my chance. She was hilarious.

There was actually a moral to the show. When you're sober, you're brain is super intelligent and clear thinking.

When your brain's on alcohol,
expect your smarts to take a fall.

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