Tuesday, August 23, 2016

For a Friend

When you are lying shattered, you recall
The way your pieces used to fit together
In one cohesive and coherent All. 
At first you stare in shock, and wonder whether
Your mind can find a way to solve this puzzle
That Humpty Dumpty's helpers could not solve,
Or feel the urge to give it up and guzzle
Your life away, to let the world revolve.
But even if your strength is sapped by sadness
Go pick the pieces up. No need for glue. 
For though the shards are sharp and edged with madness,
They'll stick together just because you're you -
An underlying and organic whole,
With hidden power to heal the splintered soul. 


  1. You just made my girlfriend cry, if that was your intention.

    1. Not exactly my intention but I'll take it as succeeding in conveying something.
