Saturday, January 14, 2017

Doc Baugh Softens

Doc Baugh's role in Cat On A Hot Tin Roof is not a big one, and functionally he's kind of like a messenger in a Greek tragedy, the guy who delivers the bad news. In this case, the bad news is that Big Daddy has terminal cancer.

I find my portrayal of him, in our new production, is different than last time. I don't think it's so much that my interpretation has changed. I think it's that everybody around me has changed.

In the prior production, Big Mama seemed less willing to accept my bad news - seemed ferociously in denial - and I countered by being ferociously assertive.

A friend of mine, commenting on my performance, said something like: "Well, everyone else was being an a-hole, so why shouldn't you be one too?"

With changes of cast, you must
Let your self adjust.

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