Sunday, January 28, 2018

Pet Language Peeve: Referring to the Living as Bodies

This quote comes from an NY Times op-ed, by way of Reason magazine:

"Death is the ultimate vulnerability. It is the moment when all of us must confront exactly what so many women have known all too well: You are a body, only a body, and nothing more."

No. You are not a body. Not if you are reading this. You have a body. You have a mind. You have a personality. Sure, they're connected. But they mean different things. And when we speak of something being "only a body"... we are typically talking about a corpse.

I'm not at all sure why women are supposed to have known that people are only bodies. My impression is the opposite.

I find most women distinctly think
That they are more than flesh alone
And are inclined to tightly link
Bodily love with a spiritual tone.

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